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You are here: Home Publications A software framework for simulating eye trackers
The GazeCom project is funded by the European Commission (contract no. IST-C-033816) within the Information Society Technologies (IST) priority of the 6th Framework Programme.
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A software framework for simulating eye trackers

by Michael Dorr last modified 2008-06-27 10:24

Presented at the Eye Tracking Research & Applications Symposium 2008, Savannah, USA

Martin Böhme, Michael Dorr, Mathis Graw, Thomas Martinetz, and Erhardt Barth

We describe an open-source software framework that simulates the measurements made using one or several cameras in a video-oculographic eye tracker. The framework can be used to compare objectively the performance of different eye tracking setups (number and placement of cameras and light sources) and gaze estimation algorithms. We demonstrate the utility of the framework by using it to compare two remote eye tracking methods, one using a single camera, the other using two cameras.

The MATLAB framework is publicly available.


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